
Earlier day on my holiday, XD

After had a lot of work (not wanting to remember about a piles of files, some~disturbing~emails, late breakfast & lunch plus disturbing people, T___T) last week, finally I can have my precious holidayyyy!!! Yayyy!!!! <3 <3.

I feel so happy & excited about it, just only to realized that I didn't have any plan at all for this holiday, (ToT). Stupid me! My last week was spend by extra-extra job from my senior & my bos! That's really wasted!! 0(`?´#)0

But then, I thought that It will be wasting my holiday If I just feel sorry about this and didn't enjoy it fully! \(^_^)/. So this holiday's theme is about rest, peace & food! (^3^)v =3. So when my friend asked me to sleep over at her house yesterday with another friends, I answered it in 5 seconds with "Yes!". She said, "wow! that's really fast! What's wrong with u?", I just "Ho3x", Xp.

So yesterday, became an awesome day on my earlier holiday. We cooked, ate, chit-chat, went shopping together. So much fun for such a simple plan! XD.
But then, I remember something. I missed my home, my fam & especially, my Lj!(;_;). I cann't life without them! Make me feel confused sometimes.. Why we always have two parts of thinking? I feel happy about gathering with my best friends but I keep thinking about my home, my fam & Lj. Hmmm.. maybe that's natural for us, as a human, to feel hesitate, uncertain, etc. (That's mean I cann't be separated from Lj even just one day!! >:), LoL. That's Lj for u, :p)

After my bf pick me up from my friend's house, we went to The supermarket to bought some groceries & hurry back to my home. And now, I'm already here, in front of my compie, smile contently, (^0^).

Unfortunately, my lil' sister isn't here. She has some activities from church for three days, make me missed her so much! (especially after I have a plan to hug her tightly when I got home, T___T). So I just sit quietly, write my journal, hug my cow (just a doll from game center yesterday, XD) plus eat my pocky, (~___~).

I hope tomorrow will be better than today *waiting patiently for Pirate of carribean new movie* (;-_-)=3. And have a nice day for all of u guys, <3


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