
Heart saver from God & my lovely~wild~cat, :)

Today, I was so down coz I did some mistake in my piano lesson. Not like another day, Sensei really-really mad at me until his expression changed. Make me didn't want to see his face. I was so afraid that he scream at me. Sensei said my fingers so tensed & cann't relaxed. How can I be so relaxed if he keeps stared at me & my fingers? (T___T). Then, my mind gone blank *stupid me!* and cann't read some note. I was panicked.

I know that I wasn't at stage yet but only from his stare, I feel so small & cann't play anything. I tried to comfort myself & did my best but I still no good. He felt dissappointed & told me to practice more and more. I just quiet, didn't answer anything. I just think how can I divided my brain & focus to all of my activities at the same time?....

So I went home & feel despair (plus tired) somehow. But then, something happen! From out of nowhere, my wild~own~cat came to my balcony & "Miauw..Miauw" to me like a pet usually do when they want some attention from their master. I patted her head like usual & she keeps "Miauw...miauw" to me. She kept staring at me, exactly at my eyes (like she wants to say something) for a few minutes long. Make my heart feel warmth somehow and got my self courage again. She cheer me up & saved me with her own ways. Not only her, her kitten came too (even just look at me beside her mom, :p). She walked around me & stroke her head on my legs.
Really, I believe that God send me that little & lovely angel to cheer me up & accompany me until I feel ok. Thx God for Ur lovely "gift" & thank's to my sweet~wild~own cat, <3.

I will try again with my best effort, :)


Pei said...

My cats do that too. The thing is, since their faces are so flat, they produce this gooey eye-liquid. And when they come and rub against me...I get new stains on my pants.

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