
Sad moment...... (╥_╥) & my regret......

Yeah, like the title above, this time is the saddest moment in this year.. My plan, my hope, my courage was disappeared just with one sentence from my bos... She said that our company will be close at the end of this month, ( p_q). Back to my last post, I got so excited about my plan, outside my main job and with this, I feel like "what the fuck with this!!???".  But more important than that, I feel like a stupid person who got lied by my boss. How can I become a stupid kid and let her fool me with her sweet promises???
Especially, when she said that, I just blank, don't say anything (don't know whether I stupid, confuse or something). MY brain denied it several times but that's the reality. It hurt so much.. So many question comes to my mind... How can I live after this?... How can I paid my lil' sister's school fee?? How to paid my fam's life expense?..Why this thing must happen to me?... I always did my best in every job that I have for my fam, my life & my dreams. But why??... World is so unfair!! (ಥ_ಥ). There is a lot of people outhere who rich and use their money everyday just for fun. And here, when someone did their best to make their life better, why must end like this?.....
Yeah, this is my fault.... My fault for being stupid and trust her promise naively. And now, she already had her new position at her new workplace, GREAT!! Even, her bestfriend got a new job directly with her link eventhough, we are THE ONE who got a promise from her. Yeah we are stupid! щ(ಠ益ಠщ). And now, she happilly set her profile pic with her smile face... I don't know what to comment anymore... Coz of her, I lost my job, quit my piano course & don't know how to face my fam, ((T.T; ). I feel so useless and don't know how to trust people anymore... I kept trying my best in everything and this is what I get (I feel like every motivator in this world laugh at me).
A few hours ago, I chat with my coworker. He & I at the same boat, He told me that he cried quietly in the bathroom so his parents didn't know about it. I really2 feel sorry for him, especially when I know his mom was being sick all of this time (for me, that was my dad). I said it's ok to cry at this time eventhough he is a man. "It's heavy for us... Me too, just cry quietly at my room so my parents didn't hear that. Why must this happen to us? We didn't do any mistake at all!", I said. Nowadays, so hard to get a job with good salary, good environment & medical allowance. I just can stare blankly at every job vacancy in front of me. I'm afraid that I will take the wrong decision again like before.... "High paid = Overload job with a lot of overtime", I don't want to lose my special time with my fam, don't want to become a robot with no feelings beside "tired, I must sleep....", don't want to make money as my God...
For now, I don't know the answer.. I just can pray and hope that this will pass....

Unexpected-Warmth Happiness! ♪♪(o*゜∇゜)o~♪♪

Lol, I don't know how to start this post. Today, my life like a roller coaster! (I hope I don't spell "roller coaster" wrong, sometimes my head got blank & missing some words here and there (⊙﹏⊙✿) ).

So, at 09:00 am, I went to work (Oh yeah, I still work on Saturday coz of my stupid boss), there wasn't any special thing beside I got mad to my coworker (Just called him A). Not because he did some mistake but I scold him coz he is my bestfriend. My stupid boss used A as much as she wants. U guys maybe think that I'm too arrogant or something by comment about this. But let me, explain everything. I never want to intervene to other's problem but this one, I got angry coz my boss's unfairness. I had another coworker called B. U can say this B person, not really discipline at work. Just because, B is my boss's friend, B can do anything he wants. Not only, B neglecting his works & comes late, B OFTEN off from work with reason "Sorry, I got drunk last night..." and with that, my boss accept that reason! (WTF!???? (●__●)). I'm sure if one of us (beside B), get off with that reason, my boss will kick or fired us for sure. Back to main problem, with B's absent, his job was delegated all to my friend, A. At first, I just "Ok, helping it's ok if this for our company" but after several times, I just "Hold on a second! Why did u do all of his job when he didn't even hav any reasonable reason to be off? U hav ur own job to do". I didn't tell A to be bad but to be logic. That's why we hav a job desk, right? So we can do our responsibility properly. I know we always try to be a good person but not to be used like this. There is no wrong with helping but this unfairness is a no-no. Fortunately, A understood what I mean and said will talk to our boss if "her unfairness" comes again. Ahh such a bad boss, really.....

Never mind, continue to 13:00 pm, I was happy to spend my time with my lovely sis & A ♪(´ε` ) (with this u will know why I said roller coaster). I asked A to go with me. We chat together while having our delicious lunch, went to pet shop and smile widely while looking at that cute hamster, bunny, doggie & kitten and had snack (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆. That happy time made me forget all of the bad things in the morning! XD. After that, we met our friend & his gf while my lovely sis got home. We had this quick meeting to talk about & do our side job. Quite took my time, especially with my bf kept contact me to know what time I got home (I got another appointment for today). So I quickly did everything and finished it at 16:00 pm. I got ready at home then accompany my bf for the rest of this day until 21:00 pm.

Then, that unexpected & warmth happiness comes! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°. Begin with my simple thought about cook for my sisters, ended with a big laughter & smile,  (。♥‿♥。). I cooked a simple~homemade shabu-shabu and asked my fam to eat together. Simple isn't it? Everyday we got busy with our own activities and only meet at night for a few minutes then go to sleep. So I thought there is nothing wrong with this simple plan. And that's what I got, we chat and laughed happily while eating this delicious shabu-shabu.
Stupid me for didn't took a photo earlier, T___T. This is my bowl...
I was grateful, really-really grateful for this little but happy things. Everyone always seek for happiness but if we don't feel grateful for what we already have, we won't find any happiness itself. Don't get me wrong, problems still comes to my life but this happy time, enough to fill my heart and my strength so I can through this life more stronger. Importantly, I thank's to my God for let this happen, (・∀・). And now, It's time to sleep. Tomorrow, I have a full day seminar to attend. I will do my best for my & my fam's happiness! (ง •̀_•́)ง.