
Everyone has our own limit!! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ

Wew, really, sometimes people didn't know about their own~suck~attitude! How can they made the same person mad again and again and again!???? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. I don't want to say it, but F*CK with them!! Is it wrong to be mad when we already got patience so many times!???? Honestly, I'm good enough not to kicked them on their ass or slap their face! But why, they keep doing it again!????
Is that why we have "angry"? Why they keep asking me and made me the one who responsible about it even that isn't my "job" from the beginning?? They keep asking to me like I'm a God who knows everything! I got my own life & time too. Arghhhhhhhhh, reallly......ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛. And my bf, sureeeeee he was a great~damned~clever person for always make me more angry then b4 and blame me for my attitude in the end, GREAT!!! I'm sure I want to kill him sometimes (◣_◢).
Then I realized, our world always judge someone by our "cover", our appearance, not what inside. Sorry, if this thing didn't have any connection to my grumble above. BUT, I feel hate for all of that hypocrite, sweet talker, drama queen and old rules! Why everyone feel so high to decided others life??? "u must do this... u must do that.... u must become like that..... ihh, that was stupid.... or why u like that??". Oh pleaseeeeee, did u not busy enough to always interfere in others life!???? Our God gives us a freedom to choose what we gonna take our life into. So why they keep complaining, commenting? Shit! I'm big enough to choose what I gonna do or what I want to do. I'm not a doll that always get played when u want.
I don't need anything. I just want that u go away and don't disturb my life for the rest of my life! Please. Don't add any more stress to my mind. Really, It sucks when u want a peace but what u get is a war :(


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