
My Biggest Effort to through this week! ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

At my last post, I already said that I will try to feel grateful everyday & give the best smile for everyone. But yeah, Life is full of surprise & I began to pushed myself to the end to through this week! It was began with my job. I came to my office with my truly & big smile (It's not weird for the others coz I usually smile to them) . I was happy with my job. It's hard but I love to learn something new & proud with it if I can finish it without any problem. But this matter, so far from I imagine. Somehow, I was responsible for something that didn't included in my job desk.  Yes, I had been asked by VP to help him & happy to help but after I finished it, He kept calling me to help him eventhough I had my own work to do. And it's hell a lot than what he asked me to help. To make it short, finally I refused to help coz I had my own responsibility to do.
Guess what? As stubborn as he is, he still called me to help him. So in the end, I did two works at the same time. In my heart, I always said so many times, "Don't worry. U can do it! If He gives that to u, that means u can do it". Buuuuuuuuuuut, that's reality for u. I got depressed day by day until I felt so stressed. And It's harder for me to smile everyday, I try it, still! In the end, I got this feeling told me, "why must u lied to urself? Smiling when u want to crying? That's sad...". But yeah, me with stubborn~didn't want to get weak~mind, kept trying so hard to fullfil my promise *stupid me*.
Until (yeah like father like daughter), I had a fight with my dad just because I want the best for him. I love my fam so much. I want they always bless with happiness. He thought that I never understand him. His health was weaken & I try to make him life as healthy as he can but he didn't care about that. Even he ate some dish that was forbidden for him. How must I react about that? Especially after I stressed so much from my job, came home to rest & found him like that. Like a volcano ready to erupt! . I feel sad, dissappointed & angry.
And yeah (like there is no end for me), I got another problem from my bf. He made me feel so dissappointed. Oh God... at that time, I forgot my promise completely. Really, I just went to my room, cried in the silence until my tears was dry & asked to myself why this thing must happen when I tried so hard. After that, I sat at my bed. Blanked completely in mind, staring to nowhere & didn't have any appetite at all! *shoot!*. I felt so damn useless then got sicked for a day. Doctor said my blood pressure got so low & something wrong with my gastric. I got one day long to rest beside think, think & think. I asked to my God why even my simple wish cann't be true. I asked myself, "am I going to lose?". Really, "heart broken" from ur beloved people was hard to heal. It needs 1 day long for me to stand up & decided to try my best (again! ).
God always loves "His children" so He gives help with His own way. I tried to back to my promise again. I left my problems behind & hang out with my best girlfriends. And like, the door opened itself, my bf picked me up to settle our problem (eventually, he said he didn't think about our problem & picked me up to had a nice dinner together. He was worried when I was sicked & want to make me eat happily. That's why he took me to this nice Japanese restaurant.Thank u so much my dear). So I'm happy again!
Yeah, maybe later I will meet the same problem or maybe more bad or nothing will happen? I don't know. I just through my life day by day & kept told myself to be grateful, hehe. Enough with my rumble (maybe :p), I will give u guys this delicious food pic which made me fly to heaven in a second! :3. See u guys next time!     


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