
I'm not dissappear yet!! ヘ(゜◇、゜)ノ.... Just immersed in the life... ( p′︵‵。)

Well..well...well....Really, this post is my first post in this year eventhough it's already MARCH!!! .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.. I want to keep posting everyday like other blogger buuuuttttt.... Yeah..there is no other reason beside LIFE. (● ̄(エ) ̄●). *SLAP my face coz overly use "Life" for a reason*. But that's true *facepalm*. A lot of things happened in my life between this last three months. 
After got engaged before, my bf want to made it more real. He arrange a dinner for both of our fam. I was nervous about that but it turn out nice *relieved*. After that, everything gone fast! They decided where the wedding will take place, the date for our wedding and bla bla bla.... Even me, the one who will get married didn't realized it myself. Everything looks so unreal to me! I cann't believe that I became a woman who will be a wife soon. OH....MY...GOODNESS! I got panicked back then. Especially, after my bf sent me an email about it's advance payment. I was scared. Maybe for other people, I seems so exaggerated. But for me, I feel like I will be bound to him until death with no freedom, like a bird in a cage. Is it a marriage blues? or just my pessimistic side become bigger than it was? It's funny to think when my friend comment about this. She said that usually, the one who feel afraid about marriage is a man, not me. Maybe, I just afraid of this quick development.... and fear of this complicated things too. I'm afraid that I cann't be happy like this if I already married... (T____T). Arghhhhh, did every woman who will get married have a feelings like this? or maybe some fear like me?...
Beside that, my life is full with my lesson, my job, my "stupid" thought about human *what the!??*, a lot of cute things, hang out time, a lot of delicious food! *u must see my insta about this khekhekhe..*, some missunderstanding with my boss and my critical thought about my career. Gahhh.... nowadays, I got easily tired from everything. Exhausted from every plan, event & schedule until I can find myself crying alone in the darkness without any reason... *don't be a crybaby, SLAP!!!*. I do realized that I need a long & full holiday myself, to refresh my mental & physical. But there is no time for that! o(╥﹏╥)o. Even, my wish list for now is HIBERNATION. Especially, with this coughing symptom, appear from nowhere...
Hemm.... for now, I just can pray for a strength from my God. I hope He can help me to go through this complicated life until the end..